
Office Hours

The KAC is open Monday to Friday, 10 AM to 5 PM.

These are our guaranteed open hours, but staff are often on site outside of these hours. Folks are welcome to inquire about visiting and meeting times outside of our office hours.

Access Notes


370 King St W #115, Kingston, ON K7L 2X4

Our office is located inside the Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning, at the Lake level. When coming into the Tett, follow the stairs (or the elevator) to the lowest floor and walk down the hallway towards the Juniper Cafe.

The detailed access notes are available to view and download in both Word and PDF document versions. Please note that if viewing on a mobile phone, the formatting of the Word document may be affected. See below a shortened version of the detailed access notes.

View / download the access notes:

Word document PDF document


Transportation and Parking: There are four accessible parking spots and many spots that are not designated as accessible. There is a bus stop across from the Tett Centre. More information, photos, and image descriptions are in the detailed access notes.

Washrooms: There are washrooms on each floor of the Tett Centre. There are three sets near the Kingston Arts Council. Coming out the door of the Arts Council, to the left, there is a gender neutral, single stall washroom with grab bars, a large bench that can be used as an adult size change table, space under the sink, and two cords for emergencies. There are no automatic buttons for the doors. To the right there are gendered washrooms with multiple stalls. More information, photos, and image descriptions are below in the detailed access notes.

Sensory Notes: There is currently no low sensory space inside the Kingston Arts Council or in the Tett Centre, however the Kingston Arts Council office is usually fairly sensory-friendly. There is no music (though they are happy to put some on if guests prefer), there are usually only two staff in the space, and zero to five other people maximum. Occasionally at a reception or opening, there may be more people in the space. There is a fan that turns on and off that does make some sound. The lighting in the gallery 3 entry space is LED softer lighting and in the main space it is fluorescent lighting with natural light from the windows.

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Wheelchair Access: The Kingston Arts Council space is accessible for most wheelchair users. The door remains open during operating hours unless there is a confidential meeting. There are no mats or barriers in the space. The gallery does change but there is always a sufficient barrier-free path to the main space. There is wheelchair access throughout the Tett Centre building. More information, photos, and image descriptions are in the detailed access notes.

Contrast/Textures: There is some visual contrast in the space. The floors and wall are different colours and there is artwork on the walls. The entry or gallery space changes. The floor is concrete.

Scent policy: We encourage the use of unscented products though we cannot guarantee that we are 100% scent free.

Service animal policy: We welcome service animals and have water bowls. It is common to encounter animals in the space.

Shoe policy: There is no shoe policy. People typically keep their shoes on though people are welcome to do whatever is comfortable. Additional Notes: In addition to water, there is a mini fridge, microwave, coffee pot, and printer available for use. Drop ins are welcome.

Questions/Feedback: We welcome accessibility questions and feedback. We have a drop box outside of our door. It is across the hall on the left. You can leave us a note or contact Nicole via email ed@artskingston.ca or phone 613-546-2787.