PLATFORM is a professional development workshop series from the Kingston Arts Council. This series is designed to help the creative community grow its skills and make new connections. If you are interested in leading a workshop or have ideas for an upcoming workshop, get in touch at
Creating More Inclusive Practices: Enhancing Workplace Accessibility through Disability Disclosure, Accommodation, and Inclusive Practices with Leah Riddell
Creating More Inclusive Practices: Creative Accessibility with Erin Ball and Maxine Beauregard
Creating Inclusive Practices: Relaxed Spaces and Access Notes with Erin Ball and Maxime Beauregard
The Art of EDI in collaboration with the Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning, KEYS Newcomer & Employment Services, and the Kingston Association of Museums, Galleries, and Historic Sites
Community Engaged Arts Workshop with Nikki Shaffeeulah
Introduction to Website Accessibility + Accessible Social Media with Accessibility Services Canada
Contemporary Arts Institutions: Meaningful Inclusion in Action with Rania El Mugammar
Anti-Oppression for Artists and Cultural Producers with Rania El Mugammar
Effective Grant Writing, from Idea to Proposal with Parul Pandya
Introduction to Grant Writing with Felix Lee
Impact Evaluation with Helen Yung
Instagram for Arts Marketing with KLEKTiV23
Grant Writing with Norma Garcia
Starting a Creative Business in partnership with WorkInCulture and Kingston Economic Development Corporation
Grant Writing with Paulina O'Kieffe
Corporate Sponsorship: Beyond the Basics
Build Your Own Submission Package