Program Overview

The City of Kingston Arts Fund (CKAF), established in 2007, provides grants to local arts organizations and projects to foster creativity at all levels and enrich how Kingston residents experience and engage with the arts. In 2021, funding for the CKAF annual Operating and Project grant streams was approved by Kingston City Council, as well as additional one-time COVID-19 pandemic relief funding to support artists and arts organizations. The additional funding, which totals $200,000 supported two new funding programs: Resiliency grants and Adapt grants.

Learn more on the City of Kingston Arts Fund page.


City of Kingston Arts Fund: Adapt 

Adapt Grants fund projects that include creating, presenting, or adapting artistic work, building partnerships, and creating innovative solutions for community needs. Individual artists, artist collectives or ad-hoc groups, and non-profit arts organizations were eligible to apply, including recipients of other CKAF grants. Applicants who received Operating, Project, or Resiliency CKAF grants had to demonstrate their Adapt proposal was separate and distinct from activities funded by other City grants. Applications were evaluated and grants were awarded by a jury of artists and arts professionals including Megan Hamilton, Mike Sheppard, and Alexandra Simpson. Grants are a minimum of $4,000 and a maximum of $10,000. 

Adapt Grants support projects that addressed pandemic-related challenges through new ways of working. These projects include creating, presenting, or adapting artistic work, building partnerships, and creating innovative solutions for community needs. Adapt Grants are a one-time funding program supported by an investment by Kingston City Council in response to the impact of the pandemic on the arts. The objectives of CKAF are to nurture the capacity of the arts, artists and the arts sector in Kingston while fostering creativity, encouraging social cohesion, enhancing quality of life and stimulating economic development through direct investment.

The application deadline has passed and this program is now closed.

There will be no Adapt application deadline in 2022.


All grant recipients must submit a Final Report no more than 60 days after the project completion date and no later than 31 October 2022. Details about reporting requirements can be found in the report form and the grant guidelines.

Adapt Final Report Form
Adapt Final Budget Report Form
Adapt Grant Guidelines



All grant recipients must provide either a quote for or proof of $5 million liability insurance before KAC can release CKAF funds. Grant recipients may use grant funds to cover the cost of insurance. Insurance must be secured and paid for before project activities begin. The KAC can help grant recipients connect with a suitable insurer.



As outlined in the Terms of Reference of CKAF funding, all grant recipients are required to acknowledge the support of CKAF by using City of Kingston and the Kingston Arts Council logos in advertising, programs, events and brochures relating to the activities for which funds are granted. If the recipient is unable to include these logos in a design (as when, on small flyer or advertisement, space does not permit them to be legibly included), the recipient must acknowledge the support of CKAF by specifying it in the text of the item.

For guidelines regarding the use of the City of Kingston logo, please refer to their webpage here:

If you require different formats or clarification regarding the acknowledgement requirements, please contact the KAC at

City of Kingston Logos
City of Kingston (Black) 
City of Kingston (White)  
City of Kingston (Blue)

Kingston Arts Council Logos
Kingston Arts Council (B&W)
Kingston Arts Council (Colour)

2021 CKAF Adapt Grant Recipients

2022 Community Radio Week, $4,250
A project by KPP Concerts

Community Radio Week is an opportunity for local musicians to gain valuable exposure to industry experts & decision-makers. Through a series of showcase concerts and panel discussions, the project will bridge  connections, contracts, and deals between artists and industry professionals. Community Radio Week will be an opportunity to shine a light on the Kingston scene and create connections between artists, industry and new fans.


2022 Summer Musical, $5,625
A project by Blue Canoe Productions

2022 Summer Musical teaches youth new skills that they may use in future artistic endeavors through a mentorship program to foster support. This project will reconnect the young artistic community in Kingston after a long hiatus, and encourage them to express themselves and practice their crafts.


"a work in progress", $6,160
A project by Inner Harbour Collective

“A work in progress” is a series of three dance films, a photographic display and an accompanying soundscape.  A number of dance masterclasses will be created with the aim of engaging more youth in Kingston to explore dance, specifically ballet. This project will create three presentations: a Covid-safe online showing, a classical presentation in the form of a gallery opening, and a community outreach program centered around the dance workshops.


A return to nature, $7,410
A project by Tracy Olan

In this project, feltmaking converges with a documentary film that follows the artist from sheep farm to public gallery wall, through the design, making and then installation of a large scale wool mural in a public space. This proposed dose of interactive nature, a large scale wool wall mural addresses the necessity to return to what we know and need, nature.


Back to Life, $4,980
A project by Calliope Collective

Back to Life is a series of community co-creation writing workshops with poets. This project plans to explore ways people can safely co-create, despite being distanced, how to regulate nervous systems to create space for creative alignment and increased communication, and explore interaction in a meaningful way by learning from each other and examining the healing Nature provided.

Both Sides Now: Live Performance in the Post-Pandemic World
, $6,160
A project by Michelle Kasaboski

Both Sides Now aims to offer a professional theatre style live music performance in a hybrid (in-person and virtual) model. This project addresses the need for engaging, professional live music to be accessible regardless of in-person restrictions, and aims to make virtual access equally valuable, as the need and want for live digital content continues to increase.

Finding Our Purpose
, $8,500
A project by H'art Centre

Eight artists with neurodiverse abilities will participate in a 12 week series of workshops with the collective goal to share what they believe is their purpose in life. This project will enable H'artists who have been missing the theatre to safely create a story and dance while reconnecting with local community artists, and will help them re-engage with the community after long months of restrictions.


From One Place to Another: Wandering Art, $8,530
A project by Union Gallery

From One Place to Another: Wandering Art takes the playful form of a mobile gallery to present new work by local artists on a city-wide tour. The project aims to support local artists, nurture creativity, to enhance access to contemporary art through a vehicle alternative to existing gallery spaces and public artworks, and to foster collaboration.



Kingston WritersFest Podcast, $5,600
A project by Kingston WritersFest

The Kingston WritersFest Podcast will offer free, meaningful, timely literary content to a broad audience by providing professionally recorded podcasts released on a monthly schedule for a 10 month period. This project is designed to be an easy to access, affordable and safe way of sharing literary content and bridging the gap between those with challenges to accessibility – whether mobility, health, time, or finance-related - and artists to ensure more of the community feels engaged, connected and informed.

Live at The Grad Club
, $8,000
A project by The Grad Club

Live at The Grad Club is a series of free high-quality digital recordings comprised of both performance and interview footage to showcase the unique talents of a diverse range of local artists. This project aims to serve both artists and the Kingston community by sharing artistic work in an engaging format.


Micro-Residency Studios in Solitude at Agnes, $6,800
A project by Agnes Etherington Art Centre

Studios in Solitude is a local micro-residency program probing solitude’s dual potential as a disruptive force and historic privilege. This project matches underutilized programming spaces at Agnes with local artists whose practices have been affected by the pandemic and seeks to provide financial and in-kind support for newly emerging and ongoing projects.



Ode to Joy, $6,395
A project by Kingston Symphony Association

Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 (Ode to Joy) will be performed at the Isabel in May 2022, and live streamed in Market Square as well as in retirement homes, correctional institutions, and classrooms, free of charge. This project aims to provide a safe and accessible way for everyone to enjoy the music including those who may not have the financial means or physical ability to attend a concert.


Shallow Dives, $8,000
A project by Modern Fuel

Ten Kingston artists will each provide an in person artist talk and workshop at various Kingston establishments. Artists will be paid to show and discuss their work, and offer the community free, introductory workshops. Shallow Dives provides artists with the opportunity to showcase their work, to collaborate, to engage in community outreach and to develop new audiences.


Unfinished Business: A Kingston Swirl, $6,395
A project by Harry Symons

A Kingston Swirls will be a series of workshops held around Kingston to improve artists’ digital literacy and enhance their capabilities in using AR/VR as an art form.  This project will help artists develop and maintain their digital skills, which are crucial in the context of the pandemic.



Young Artist Mentorship Program
, $7,195

A project by Glocca Morra Studio

For emerging artists from 15-19 years old, this project offers studio space alongside two professional artists, and the creation of a plan focused on professional development for artists. Youth in school have been significantly impacted by the pandemic, have had to move to online learning, and have lost the supportive arts community and exposure as they grow their practice. This mentorship focuses on giving youth opportunities to make the leap to establishing themselves as professional artists and following a career in the arts. 


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